(originally sent september 9, 2008)
Hi all,
Just figured I'd send a quick update because i'm online and thinking of all of you. I started "work" on sunday (the mauritanian monday) but i'm really just observing right now. I'm watching at the feeding center where they weigh malnourished babies and track their progress for recovery. The first day I watched at the hospital one and it completely broke my heart, I saw babies so skinny they had nothing but wrinkled skin for a butt who couldn't hold their heads up or even stay awake during the short consultation with the nurse. This was really hard for me to watch and the image is seared in my mind now, about 2 out of the 6 babies I saw were extremely malnourished to the point that I was sure they would not still be alive for the weigh in the next week. I found this extremely difficult to watch and disheartening, surely the program isn't working if the babies still look like this? But what else can be done? The baby can't stay awake to eat, how can it ever recover? The next day I started at the health center and learned why sunday had been so discouraging: The hospital feeding center is where all of the extreme cases are referred for full time feeding and care and at the smaller feeding center I saw a great deal more hope, babies with steadily increasing weights and little round bellies to match their big round eyes (that get even bigger when they see a white person!). I observed again this morning and will go again on Thursday and the overwhelming-ness of it all is slowly falling into perspective. I am discussing a few trainings I can do with the staff at the health center already, making bug repellent from a local tree to slow the spread of malaria, and they have (I think, my french isn't perfect you know) agreed to purchase the supplies for me to do a demonstration in the coming week or so.
Even with all that going on, i still have a remarkably large amount of time on my hands. I think I'll be online every few days for the next few weeks so look for updates.
For my Family: Hi everyone! I haven't gotten many updates from you folks lately (aside from mom, dad, and cory, obviously) but I assume no news is good news and its certainly the busy time of year over there (though arguably the slowest time of year over here so its hard for me to relate...) but I just wanted to say hi and that I hope everyone is doing well. Dad/Mom-Cory says the photos printed from facebook will have no resolution so i'm going to work something else out for that, thanks though! I'll let you know when i figure it out, i think it'll involve mailing a memory card. I would love to receive photos from anyone over there though! Puppy photos, family photos, just little reminders of life in the states. Miss you all!
Much Love!
wish list item of the day:
(outside of the ever-present wine, cheese, and chocolate but i know you can't send those things)
Minty chewing gum
Cuevana 3 Gran Showman
2 years ago
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